Human League "Travelogue" sleeve

Chart Watch and New Releases: 15 July 2016

A quiet week chartwise, the only notable events being the re-entry of ABC‘s The Lexicon of Love II at 49 (presumably due to its vinyl début last week) and Heart‘s Beautiful Broken entering at 77. Not much in the way of challengers for next week’s chart either, but there are vinyl reissues for Peter Gabriel‘s So (as well as later albums Us and Up) and the Human League‘s first two albums Reproduction and Travelogue. Meanwhile the ever popular 3CDs for a fiver market gains The 80s Summer Album including 60 tracks with a few obvious summer hits (Wham!’s Club Tropicana, Haircut 100’s Fantastic Day) nestling amongst a bunch of generic ’80s filler with no obvious summer credentials. Ho hum.

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