Trick or Treat

Mixcloud Select: Trick or Treat

October 2018’s Virtual CD is a celebration of all things weird, spooky and ghoulish, from the gothic rock of Bauhaus to the sinister synths of Japan, via the sheer lunacy of The Cramps and Toto Coelo. Eighteen ’80s cuts designed to make your Halloween go with a bang – the kind that happens unexpectedly at 3am and wakes you up.

This and all the other Virtual CDs can be yours when you join us on Mixcloud Select. You also get the weekly extended Deluxe Edition of Off The Chart, the spin-off show Further Off The Chart every dexy1, and other special shows whenever an idea grabs us. You can also download shows to listen offline, thus saving your precious mobile data. All this for just Β£2.99 a month! Can’t be bad.

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  1. That’s every ten weeks to the uninitiated.